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My Wellness Philosophy


My wellness philosophy is based on two core beliefs  That the doctor and the patient need to work collaboratively to be successful  and that a focus on the Pillars of Health can prevent AND treat many health problems. 




The Pillars of Health
Eat • Breathe • Sleep • Move • Balance


The ideal diet is to EAT real food and eat a rainbow; You should have food of all colors every day. Rather than specific guidelines or fad diets I prefer a basic, whole food diet heavy on fruits and vegetables. This common sense approach extends to my philosophy of health care.

We BREATHE 5 to 20 times per minute all day long. Regulating our breathing can have a profound effect on both the mind and the body. Try holding your breath or breathing rapidly for 15 seconds and see how you feel physically and emotionally.

Lack of SLEEP is linked to increased mortality, lower pain tolerance, fatigue, and other conditions. Improving the quality of sleep is a great benefit to health.

MOVEment is invaluable to health. Walking as little as 20 minutes a day can reduce your risk for heart disease and improve your overall health.

BALANCE refers to our mental, emotional, and spiritual balance.

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